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1. What is EATX and how does it work?
EATX is a revolutionary DeFi utility token on the Base Network. By leveraging cutting-edge blockchain technology, EATUTXO provides real-world utility and opens new pathways for wealth creation and lifestyle enhancement. As the inaugural project of the Hu99icane Incubation Business Initiative (Hu99icane IBI), EATUTXO aims to secure and optimize digital wealth through innovative and adaptable solutions, embodying the relentless drive for progress.
2. What makes EATUTXO different from other Crypto projects?
EATUTXO distinguishes itself through its focus on real life utility and practical solutions. We are developing what you may understand better as a 'Smart Piggybank'. EATUTXO combines advanced cryptographic techniques with user-friendly tools to address the challenges faced by new entrants to blockchain projects.
3. What is the utility of the project's token?
The utility of the project's token lies in its role within the Hu99icane IBI ecosystem, offering staking for users to earn passive income as it’s first service in a series of utilities to be released. Currently using a manual swap form that allows us to migrate over to the Base Network, we will have the tools to build more effectively. Please see our Roadmap to learn more about what we will be offering here.
4. What is the project's roadmap?
We are looking at long term functionality that survives well into the future. With this in mind, we are developing the tools that will ensure your legacy is never lost, with safeguards and guardrails in place to provide an automated inheritance system if the unthinkable should ever happen. The project's roadmap can be found by clicking here.
5. How can I contact support or get help?
For immediate assistance or support, please reach out to our team via any of our social media pages. For less formal assistance you can always ask questions in our most active community social media pages. Please send any other information through our Contact Form. We encourage you to communicate with us and the community on telegram. here.
6. Can I earn rewards by participating in EATX?
By actively participating in the EATUTXO project, you can not only contribute to our growth but also earn rewards along the way. Through the first iteration of utility, our staking service, users have the opportunity to earn passive rewards. The staking APR floor is set at an attractive rate of 5% for a minimum period of 7 days, 6% for a minimum 30 days, and 7% for a minimum 6 months. Not only are you supporting our ecosystem, but you're also being rewarded for your commitment.
7. What is the total supply of EATX coin?
The total supply of EATX amounts to 992,500,000 tokens.
8. Can I unstake my tokens at any time?
Our staking periods are designed with flexibility in mind, allowing participants to engage without the constraints of a long timeframes. You can ‘Stake’ and 'unStake' any time you like. However, there is a tax of 5% if you remove your stake before the end of the chosen staking period. There is also a minimum of 1 EATX before you are able to withdraw. We have purposefully enabled simplicity to introduce members who are new to these concepts. It should be a fun and adventurous experience, aligning with the core fundamentals of the EATUTXO project.
9. I own UTXO on SOLANA, how do I migrate to BASE?
To migrate your UTXO tokens from SOLANA to BASE, please visit our 'Swap Form'. You'll find the link in our navigation Menu's. Follow the instructions provided to safely and seamlessly transfer your tokens to the BASE blockchain. You'll need an Ethereum address since the Base Network operates with the ETH token. You just need to adjust the network settings in your metamask wallet, then import our custom token in order to view your Base EATX tokens
Inspiration of CEO Vincent Pereira, the business model was established to build a robust, interconnected community, encouraging development of new technologies in a fun and adventurous ecosystem of real life enhancement projects.